Friday, October 11, 2013

Review) Kpop snapback, SPARKLE snapback

Heyy, I'm here with my first review that isn't a makeup or beauty product.

I really wanted a cute snapback. 
I finally found a really cheap and cute one on eBay 

They have 6 different colours available 
On eBay they usually have the navy, black, and red only. 
But other korean online shopping malls have up to 6 different colours. 

I bought the normal black one. 

It came in a plastic packaging. 
Nothing really special 

This is what the inside of the plastic packaging looked like. 

The hat itself was packaged in another plastic bag type thing. 

This is what the bag looked like. 
I think its their store name or something. 
Not really sure

This is the top of the hat. 

I really like how they had the plastic "shape holder" thing to keep the original shape of the hat during delivery

I really like the SPARKLE lettering that stand out. 

The stitching and the buckle details where nice quality 

Overall its a really cute cap and I think its really worth the price. 
I bought for around $5-6 i think. 

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